Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers' Day

Happy Mother's Day!!!
  "Men become daddy's upon birth, mommies are born upon conception"

Last year we told our families we were pregnant for Mothers' Day...I could have never imagined how different life would be by this year's holiday.  It's funny, I don't sit back and think of myself as a mother, but reflecting on today, I do realize how much the experience has taught me.  

Becoming a mommy has taught me true, true unconditional love, that (despite what I thought to be true) I actually can function on little or no sleep, and that motherly instincts are freakishly accurate if you'll just learn to trust them.  I've learned to change a diaper in under 30 seconds flat, to be completely refreshed just from a single "Norah smile", that sitting and "playing" is more important than the load of laundry needing to be folded, and the sense of being truly needed.  I finally "get" how much and how complete my mother loves me and most importantly, I've caught just a glimpse of just how much my Savior must care for me.  I can't fathom the thought of sending my sweet girl to die for the sins of others. WOW!  

Thank you to my grandmothers for the legacy you left, to my mother-in-law for the amazing man you raised, to my mom for the mom you are and the example you gave me, and thank you to Norah for making me feel that a beautiful piece of my life just began the day you were born.  I am so honored to be your mommy!

Happy mothers day to all!  

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